As many of you know, adoption is a huge part of the Stachak story. My brother Andrew was adopted from Paraguay and I was adopted out of Toledo, Ohio. I am forever grateful to my biological mother for giving me the gift of life and to my parents, Stan & Maryellen Stachak for the gift of adoption and an amazing childhood. In memory of my mother, Maryellen Stachak (who went to Heaven in 2000) I am so excited to launch this sweatshirt line Bella Vita!! Bella Vita is an Italian phrase for “beautiful life”. This sweatshirt line is a way to continue Maryellen’s beautiful life & legacy including her faith, values, and her service to help other mothers and children in our community. My hope is when YOU wear your sweatshirt you’re reminded of your beauty & God-given purpose. Click here to read more about our sweatshirt line and how we’re giving back to the Pregnancy Center of Toledo OR scroll down to SHOP!